Born to Perform

Hello all,

Last Friday the children did an amazing job showing off their dancing skills to the whole school. They had been working very hard on this dance and I was so happy with how they performed. Mrs Maiden was that impressed, she has asked Year 1 to open the KS1 Meadowside’s got talent show with this dance, which will be happening in a few weeks.

Due to safeguarding I am unable to put the video I have of the performance on here, however, please feel free to come and have look at the end of a school day.

Miss Williams

Victorian Christmas Decorations

For the next big ideas topic, Year 1 have started their Victorian Christmas decorations. These will be put onto the tree and sent to Knaresborough for the Christmas Fare.

The children have made, cinnamon stick bundles, orange slices strung together, glittery pine cones, music sheet cones, salt dough biscuits, card Christmas trees, hessian bags and popcorn tinsel.

The children have enjoyed doing the decorations this week and on Friday wrote a recount of what they had made.     

Guy Fawkes

Today we have been learning about Guy Fawkes. The children worked together in teams to create a facts sheet about him with the knowledge they have. They used pictures and sentences to give it as much detail as possible. At the end of the lesson, each group presented their facts and read out what they had done.


Well done Year 1!